THE ACI WORKSHOP “Charting the Cosmos of Cartography: History – Names – Atlases”
The ACI Workshop “Charting the Cosmos of Cartography: History – Names – Atlases” has been held in the Library of Congress ’ Geography and Map Division in Washington DC, 28-30 June 2017. This workshop has been organized by ICA Commission on the History of Cartography, ICA Commission on Toponymy, and ICA Commission on Atlases.
These about 25 papers have been presented: Ed Redmont, George Washington as Map Maker, Chas Langelaan, The Mason Dixon Line – a story of pioneering technical triumph, Derek Alderman, Naming Place as Doing Violence and Justice: Racism, Memory-Work, and Why Black Toponymies Matter, Peter Jordan, The Use of Minority Place Names on Maps of the Third Austrian Military Survey – with a regional focus on Slovenian and Croatian lands, Jana Moser, Atlas-Maps and Atlases as Visualization of the Global Condition – School Atlases in Germany and in the United States, Lindsay Braun, An Agent in
Pretoria: Fred Jeppe, the Cartography of the Transvaal, and British Imperial Knowledge before 1900, Láslo Zentai, Transformation of relief representation from hachures to contour lines on the topographic maps in Hungary, Abel Hegedüs, Hungarian military mapping abroad 1919-1990, Cosimo Palagiano, The Ptolemy’s Atlas maps and their amendments, Paulo de Menezes, Comparative Study of the Geographical Map of Rio de Janeiro Province, 1823 – An Attempt to Dating, Mark Monmonier, Motives for Patenting a Map Projection: Did Fame Trump Fortune?, Jan Mokre, Franz Ritter von Hauslaub (1798-1883) – An Austrian Representative of the Progress of Cartography in the 19 th century, Imre Demhardt, Becoming Petermann: A Tale of Five Brtish Atlases, 1848-1855, Peter Raper, Reconstructing and Mapping Prehistoric Toponyms, Elri
Liebenberg, The Cape of Good Hope: The toponymic evolution of some of its topographical features as depicted on historical maps, Albina Apriadsa & Ari Cahyono, Defining Toponyms in Indonesia’s Papua: Historical Political Interests and Native Legacies, Hyo Hyun Sung & Sejin Ahn, Developing the guideline for standardization of Marine Geographical Naming: Problem Oriented Analysis, Yaïves Ferland, Back to the Feature! Geographical Relationships among Palce names Readable on Maps, Karen Cook, Drawn for the Mind’s Eye: Map Metaphors in Early Modern English Literature, Eric Losang, The atlas narrative – new approaches reflecting on the development of US world atlases between the Civil War and World War I, Thomas Sculz, The Statistical Atlases of the Baltic States 1918-1940: First National Atlases of the three newly independent countries, Hussein Abdulmuttalib , History of Land and Marine Atlases, Maps and Images of Dubai, Francis Harvey, Herbert Bayer’s 1953 World Geo-Graphic Atlas: A Novel Atlas at the time and still today, Igor Drecki, New Zealand: New Zealand Government Cartography: Mapping Ross Dependency. Two Technical Tours have been held: 1) Map Vault of the Geography & Map Division, and 2) Treasures of the Folger Shakespeare Library.
Some of these papers will be published in The Cartographical Journal, directed by Alexander Kent.